Gluten Free Lifestyle

Hurricane Preparation for the Gluten Free

Hurricane Season is upon us, be sure you have done your Gluten Free Hurricane Preparation! Hurricane PreparationThis post contains affiliate links. Purchases made through them support this blog at no cost to you. Thank you!

Hurricane Preparation

If you have ever lived through a hurricane you know how life changing it can be. One hurricane can cause massive flooding and destruction, if you live in an area that is prone to hurricanes, it is essential that you complete your Hurricane Preparation before a storm strikes. The last thing you want to do is to be clamoring for water and plywood at the last minute.

Hurricane Season begins June 1, do you have your #glutenfree food prepped? Share on X

When you have an autoimmune disease, such as Celiac, or other gluten sensitivity it is evenย  more important to be prepared. Power can be out for days or weeks at a time. Years ago, after Wilma came through South Florida, I didn’t have power for 3 weeks. Had we not been prepared it would have been disastrous. You need to make sure that you have safe Gluten Free food on hand. Chances are, even if relief organizations come in to give out food, there won’t be gluten free options. Don’t risk it. Have your stash of gluten free food prepared.

Hurricane Groceries

Here are some of my favorite, shelf stable items:

Van’s Gluten Free Banana Bread and Chocolate Graham Granola Bars– Super tasty and can be used as snacks, breakfast or dessert

Kind Bars – Make great snacks with lots of nutritional value

Go Picnic Meals – Come in several gluten free flavors and make great, quick meals

Peanut Butter – Great source of protein to eat on crackers or rice cakes

Rice Cakes- They come in all kinds of flavors and make a perfect snack

Tuna Fish or Canned Chicken- Add a few packets of Mayo and you have a quick salad you can eat on crackers

Gluten Free Crackers – There are so many great varieties, be sure to have plenty on hand

Gluten Free Cereal- Cereal is a must, it is shelf stable for long periods of time and makes a great meal or snack

Fruit and Yogurt Pouches – These are especially great if you have kids, but even for adults they are a good source of shelf stable nutrition

Fruit Cups- Try to get the ones that are in juice, not syrup

Pudding Cups- Great for a little dessert

Chips or Popcorn- A nice salty snack

Fruit Snacks- Mostly just because I love fruit snacks ๐Ÿ™‚

Other things I like to pick up include:




Shelf Stable Milk

Of course there is so much more to being prepared for a Hurricane than just having food on hand. Make sure your family has a plan. Don’t leave your Hurricane Preparation to the last minute. I can guarantee you that at the first threat of a hurricane, all the water at your local grocery store will be gone.

For more information on Hurricane Preparation visit: National Weather Service Hurricane Preparation.

Make sure you have your Gluten Free Hurricane Preparation done!

Happy Gluten Free Eating!

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  • Reply
    Susie Liberatore
    June 10, 2016 at 12:21 pm

    OH wow I never ever thought about this and how it could help for when we dont have power! I dont get hurricanes, but we do lose power a lot of times and now I am going to use these ideas!! Great read.

    • Reply
      June 10, 2016 at 9:06 pm

      Glad it got you thinking!

  • Reply
    Chrystal @ Gluten-Free Palate
    June 1, 2016 at 9:55 am

    This is the first gf hurricane guide I’ve seen! Love it. Thank you so much.


    • Reply
      June 1, 2016 at 12:14 pm

      You’re welcome! It’s something people don’t think about, but so important!

  • Reply
    Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
    June 1, 2016 at 8:26 am

    Hahaha O boy…like the time we lost power for 8 days…good times ๐Ÿ˜›

    • Reply
      June 1, 2016 at 9:22 am

      Been there! Between being gluten free and having a toddler I have to be super prepared!

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