Gluten Free Lifestyle

Back to School in Gluten-Free Style Part 2: Snacks and School Parties

Back to School(1)

Lunches are easy…

When it comes to lunches, it is easy to pack a lunch and know that your child is safe from any sources of cross-contamination of gluten or other food allergy, unfortunately it is much harder within the classroom situation. Often teachers hand out snacks or candies as rewards, as well as the common instance of classroom parties. No parent wants their child to feel left out, but gluten is very common in many snacks and party foods. While most teachers are awesome and more than willing to read ingredients before giving your child a snack, there is still a risk, especially if you child has Celiac disease or an allergy to gluten or wheat.

What do should you do?

Consider providing your teacher with a supply of gluten-free snacks for your child. Some examples of things to include are:

Gluten Free Cookies such as Glutino Chocolate Chip Cookies

Individual Packages of Gluten-Free Salty Snacks such as Pirate’s Booty Puffed Snack

Individual Packages of Gluten-Free Fruit Snacks such as Annie’s Homegrown Bunnie Fruit Snacks

Gluten-Free Granola Bars such as Nature’s Path Chocolate Chip Bars

Also, be sure to inform your child’s teacher of the importance of your child remaining gluten-free. Stay informed of what is going on in the classroom. If your child suffers from diagnosed Celiac Disease they are also eligible to file a 504 plan that will allow them to be excused from activities where gluten might be present, such as a baking class.

Remember, the school is not your enemy, work with the teachers and faculty to ensure your child has a successful gluten-free school year!

Work with teachers and faculty to ensure your child has a successful gluten-free school year! Share on X

What ideas do you have to help your child feel included during snacks and parties at school?

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