Browsing Tag:

road trip

    Gluten Free Lifestyle

    Gluten Free on the Road- Always Be Prepared!

    Being Gluten Free on the Road can be tricky, when preparing for your summer road trip, be sure to follow these tips!Gluten Free on the RoadProducts in this post were donated by Van’s. No monetary compensation was received and all opinions are my own.

    Summer has Arrived!

    Summer has arrived and you know what that means- Road Trip!  There is nothing as fun as hitting the road and discovering new places. When I was little my grandparents would take my brother and I with them in their motor home every summer. It was always so much fun. As an adult I took a trip with my best friend and her three little boys to Ohio and that was quite the adventure! Nothing like 3 boys under 6 and a long drive! Continue Reading…