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    Dessert/ Sides and Sauces

    High Protein {Gluten Free} Fruit Dip

    Deliciously easy, protein packed gluten free fruit dip!Protein Fruit Dip

     All photos courtesy of Cricket Plunkett, Cricket’s Confections

    Cricket’s Confections

    Crickets ConfectionsI am so excited to have Cricket, from Cricket’s Confections guest posting today on My Gluten Free Miami. Cricket makes tasty recipes that are gluten free and healthy! She has a degree in baking and pastry from the Culinary Institute of America. Be sure to check her out on her site: Cricket’s Confections! 

    Crickets Confectios

    Meanwhile, enjoy this tasty Protein Packed Gluten Free Fruit Dip that she created, just for you! Continue Reading…