Gluten Free Lifestyle/ Product Reviews

Schar Gluten Free- Bring Normal to the Gluten Free Life

Schar Gluten Free products have set a high standard in providing quality, safe gluten free food all over the world!

Schar Gluten Free

This post was sponsored by Schar, all opinions are my own.

Making Gluten Free Normal

The first question I think everyone is asked when they first tell someone they don’t eat gluten is, “Well what can you eat?” My response is generally, the same things you do.

At first, eating gluten free can be daunting, and with a Celiac Diagnoses, you have to be diligent about your food. You don’t want to take risks, but there are so many options available now that allow you those same indulgences that people on a normal diet have.

Want a sandwich? Use gluten free bread. Cooking hamburgers? There’s a gluten free bun for that. There are so many great gluten free options out there now.

Schar gluten free products

Navigating Gluten Free

When I was first diagnosed, one of the first brands I discovered was Schar. As a matter of fact, one of my very first posts on the blog was sandwiches using Schar Gluten Free bread. They had sent me samples and I was so excited!

When I was diagnosed with Celiac, Schar products provided normalcy for me, when I was overwhelmed with learning a new diet.

Our family uses their products to recreate family favorites like Papas a la Huancaina, Aji de Gallina, and I even made gluten free Croquettas with their bread crumbs.

If their is a BBQ, I just grab a pack of Schar gluten free hamburger buns.

Schar Gluten Free Hamburger Buns with Cheese Burger

Schar’s Background and Commitment to the Gluten Free Community

The Dr. Schar company was originally founded in Italy in 1981 to help the Celiac Community. They have spent over 35 years perfecting gluten free products. Their solid history makes them a trustworthy brand.

Schar monitors not only their production lines but also the fields where the grains used in their products come from. They control all phases of production. All their products are free from chemical sweeteners, artificial colors, artificial flavors and are non-gmo.

Schar Gluten Free Hazelnut croissants

Schar is also a sponsor of gluten free events everywhere. If you go to a Celiac or Gluten Free Expo, they are more than likely there, passing out goodies.

Recently they became the official sponsor of the Celiac Disease Foundations Symptoms and Conditions Checklist. If you take the test, you will receive a high-value coupon for Schar products (and there are so many great ones to choose from!).

Schar Gluten Free Bread Crumbs with Mozzerella Sticks

Final Thoughts

I love Schar products. Yes, I work with them to create specific recipes (like this Tiramisu Ice Box Cake and this Mango Bread Pudding), but I honestly use them all the time. That is why you see them recommended in so many non-sponsored recipes on this blog. They just taste great and work the way you need them too.

Because of Schar products, when I have guests over, I can serve baguettes, and no one knows the difference. I can make gluten free mozzarella sticks in my air fryer, and they taste just as good as if I had used regular breadcrumbs.

Schar Table Crackers with Tuna Salad

The table crackers with the tuna salad above? We buy those by the case. My daughter likes to eat them for breakfast and we use them in Huancaina Sauce.

Be sure to head to the Schar site, use their store finder to see what products are available near you, and try a few out!

Don’t forget to follow my Instagram, I’m always sharing how we use Schar products in our everyday life and there is a live coming up on how to use the baguettes to make the best-buttered bread ever!

Schar Gluten Free Products

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    Schar Gluten Free Pizza Crusts - MI Gluten Free Gal
    February 20, 2019 at 11:33 am

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